News and Views
Webinar: will the future of work after COVID-19 lockdown be flexible?
The second webinar by the ESRC Work After Lockdown research team, chaired by Dr Zoe Young, considers whether all we have learned about remote working will drive new demands for other forms of flexible working. The research team were delighted to be joined by Peter Cheese, Chief Executive of the CIPD to share his thoughts and the work of the UK Flexible Working Task Force.
Webinar: Flexibility, engagement and diversity: can we have all three?
Webinar chaired by Hon Julia Gillard, former (and only woman) prime minister of Australia and Chair of the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership at Kings College London. The topic of discussion was whether we can have all three - diversity, engagement and flexibility in a post COVID-19 workplace?
Leaning in is not enough – it is workplaces, not women, that need to change
Blog for King’s College London on how flexible workplaces are essential for women's progress.